Summer 2019 Photo Exhibit

The New Ipswich Historical Society invites the public to a photography exhibit
and its annual meeting….
Through the Lens of Time: People and Places of New Ipswich

The exhibit consists of thirty three 11” x 17” prints curated from among hundreds in the NIHS collection, many of which were acquired when the Society received a donation of F.J. Gibson’s glass negatives depicting life in the late 1800s and early 1900s. Several other photographs in the exhibit were taken by Leonard R. “Lonny” Willard, the town photographer, who when interviewed for the March 1900 New England Magazine remarked, “I’ve got four businesses—farming, house painting, photography, and chicken’ raising, but chickens is the most profitable.” As NIHS Board member John Poltrack has aptly noted, “Raising chickens might have been his most profitable pursuit, but his photography is his legacy.” Prints (mounted on foam board) are available for purchase ($25 each). Following the exhibit, the public is invited to attend the NIHS Annual Meeting, which will feature a presentation on the photos. Light refreshments will be served.

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